I've lost my voice in my puberty and redescovered it 7 years ago through an archaic singing technic called in Poland "White Voice " or "scream-singing". This technic enable to be very extravert and intimate in the same time while singing. It's based on screaming voice and can be a vehicle to transport very strong emotions. The singer is using many different body-resonators but especially the frontal-cranial resonators, which creates a special bright sound. White voice-Method is not following any estetic rules, every person has her/his own sound as every body is built differently.
I would like to support you in your voice research individually. Depending on your needs, we can work with:
-archaic songs
-your favourite songs
-movement and body exercises
-voice exercises
-accompany voice through different kind of instruments
-voice improvisation
-singing in the nature and with the nature
-theoretical basics of music: intervals, triads...
I'm musician, philologist and student of music and movement education.